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Get Answers to Frequently Asked Questions at SMOCerapies and Care Coordination
Southeastern Medical Oncology Center has trained professionals that manage your patient health information and medical records. They are committed to the timely and accurate collection of health information and its storage, retention, and disclosure. Our team of professionals ensures that your information is kept private, secure, and is in accordance with federal and state regulations.
To obtain your health information/medical records, you can visit any of our offices during normal business hours. Come to the office with identification and sign a HIPAA-compliant authorization form. We will be happy to mail you a HIPAA-compliant authorization form for you to sign in front of a notary if you need one. If it is not practical for you to come to the office, you can simply go to our forms page on this site and download the “Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information,” or you may write a letter authorizing SMOC to release a copy of your medical record. Both the authorization form/letter must have the necessary information including your name, date of birth, social security number, date of service, name of hospital where services were performed, the person/organization to receive the information, along with the address where the information is to be sent. The authorization form/letter must be signed and dated by the patient or the patient’s guardian/legal representative.
You must either mail or bring into the office the form and a HIPAA-compliant patient authorization, which permits your physician to release the information to the requestor. Your physicians then should carefully fill out the form as necessary. We will be happy to mail you a HIPAA-compliant authorization for you to sign in front of a notary if you need one. Most forms require a $10 fee, payable at the time the form is received. The expected turnaround time is 7 to 10 business days.
Here at SMOC, we make it convenient to you by accepting most major insurance plans. Please contact us at any of our locations to see if your insurance will be accepted.
It depends on your insurance. Some insurance companies require “an order” from your physician before they will pay for your medical visit. We recommend you call your insurance company to check on your benefits, and then you can call us to see if we accept your insurance.
At your first appointment please bring the following with you:
- Your insurance card
- A form of personal ID (drivers license, passport, etc)
- Physician referral forms if required by insurance
- A list of current prescriptions or over-the-counter medications you are taking, including dose and frequency
- Pertinent information about your medical and surgical history
- Any related X-rays or records you may have
Have additional questions? Please don’t hesitate to call SMOC at 919-580-0000. You can also schedule an appointment using our easy online appointment request form.