Cancer Information


Common Cancers

Cancer occurs when abnormal cells grow and divide uncontrollably, resulting in cancerous tumors. Cancer comes in many forms, but some cancers are more common than others. There are a few warning signs and symptoms that point to cancer: Female breast cancer The breast contains glands and thin tubes. The glands, called lobules, produce milk. The

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Cancer Misconceptions

When it comes to cancer, there are many myths and misconceptions. Whether it be word of mouth or information found on the internet, don’t believe everything you hear or see. Below are a few cancer misconceptions debunked to set the record straight. Misconception #1: Cancer is a death sentence Cancer is not a death sentence.

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Understanding Thyroid Cancer

Thyroid cancer is a rare form of cancer that occurs in the cells of the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland found just below the Adam’s apple at the base of the neck. The thyroid gland plays a key role in your overall health and body function, as it produces hormones that

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Sickle Cell Anemia

Sickle cell anemia is the most common genetic disease in the African-American community about 2 in 1000 babies will inherit the disease from their parents. Sickle cell anemia also occurs in the Mediterranean, the Middle East, India, and the Far East, although much less commonly. Beginning in childhood, sickle cell patients get episodes of bony

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Skin Cancer

Skin cancers are a common medical problem. They arise in the cells of the skin, which forms the largest organ of the body. Two common forms of skin cancer are squamous and basal cell cancer. Another form is melanoma, which is less common, but is more serious. There are several other types of skin cancer

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PSA Screening for Prostate Cancer

PSA is a blood test that can detect prostate cancer in the early, curable stages. These early stages of prostate cancer often produce no symptoms. PSA measures the levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a molecule shed into blood by prostate cancer cells. Prostate cancer is the most common male cancer, accounting for nearly 30% of

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Diseases of the Pancreas

The pancreas is a major internal organ that constitutes an important part of our digestive system. It is located in the middle of the abdomen, behind the stomach and liver, and produces enzyme juices that aid in digestion. It also secretes hormones into the bloodstream that regulate blood sugar and metabolism. There are many disorders

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The Risk of Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer has been called the silent killer because it often produces no symptoms until it has spread beyond the ovary. It is the 5th most common cancer and 5th most common cause of cancer deaths in women. It is less common than endometrial cancer, but causes twice as many deaths. Some but not all

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Multiple Myeloma and Bone Marrow

Multiple Myeloma is a rare cancer of bone marrow in which plasma cells, a natural part of our immune system, transform into malignant cells. Like many cancers, multiple myeloma is more common in the older age groups. Symptoms can include weakness, bone pain, and infections; other manifestations include low blood counts, high blood calcium, and

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